Fast Zemi
Dear Reader:
Below my students describe what my seminar class is all about and what they like about it. See what they have to say, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Our IC seminar discusses various international issues and cultures in other countries, with the theme of what we should do to become a 'global citizen'. We discuss issues that we usually see without thinking. You will acquire the ability to think about what is happening in the world today and what we can do individually to solve it. (Hinano)
In this IC seminar, through in-depth study of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we learn about the global issues we face (e.g. climate change, poverty, gender inequality, plastic problems, etc). We try to see the problems as our own. Of course, it is quite difficult but by sharing ideas with the members of this seminar and Tom, and by taking in new perspectives, you will be able to think as a global citizen. Then you can be “globally minded.” Through this, you can improve global competencies, becoming inquirers, thinkers, communicators, caring, etc. Finally, Tom is really kind, so you will enjoy learning global citizenship!! (Shiho)
Our seminar’s fields are Sustainable Development, Intercultural Communication, Equity and Art & Culture.This seminar makes you realize that actions you don’t normally care about have an impact. We often feel what we studied helps the earth or improves the environment. I am going to research sustainable tourism for my thesis. I like traveling both domestically and abroad. I found that tourist spots have to change to be sustainable places. I am looking forward to engaging in the sustainable tourism practices I discover in my research. (Arisa)
Through case studies and service learning, we can acquire the ability to practice global citizenship, not just learn. We can touch on issues around the world and broaden our horizons. Also, this is an all-English seminar, it is a good opportunity to speak English. (Airi)
I enjoy learning about the current state of the world and its problems from the SDGs and being able to feel my own awareness changing. I can develop the ability to present what I have learned and the ability to think about what I can do now and put it into action. I am interested in many things such as food loss, ocean pollution, the Uyghur issue, and racism. (Momoka)
There is no need to worry about your English ability. You can help each other in class and develop your abilities together. I want to become a teacher, so I would like to cover topics related to education in my thesis. (Sayaka)
We can expand topics we study following our interests and passions. So far we have talked about knowledge claims of the Olympic Games. It was complicated but really interesting!! (Nanako)
We got interested in Olympics and Paralympics games, and through them we studied racial discrimination and gender equality. I’m interested in SDG11, which is to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In particular, I want to study how to keep the integrity of World Heritage sites while keeping balance between preservation and the development of the economy. (Miho)
As a service learning project, we all took action outside the university during summer vacation. It was a good opportunity because we could notice new things that we cannot learn by just studying at university. This seminar will not only help you improve your English, but also give you the ability to think deeply, learn more about the world, and broaden your perspective. (Ayumi)
So if you want to become a global citizen, join my zemi!
NOTE: Next year, I will probably require zemi members to take the Model UN class for at least 1 semester before or after they enter the seminar class.
・Thomas FAST准教授(教員紹介)