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『Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics』[HJLL Volume 8](共著)

学科・機関 文学部 日本語日本文学科
教員名 尾崎喜光 教授
著者情報 Y.Asahi,F.Inoue,M.Usami,(eds.)NINJAL(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics[国立国語研究所])
出版社 De Gruyter Mouton
発行日 2022年4月
サイズ・頁数 B5判 669頁
金額 310,00 €(Hardcover、PDFともに)
国立国語研究所では、日本語および日本語研究に関する情報を世界に発信するため、シリーズ「Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics [HJLL]」を刊行しています。その第8巻として『Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics』(日本の社会言語学ハンドブック)が刊行されました。尾崎は「Chapter 6: Male-female differences in Japanese」(日本語の男女差)を分担執筆しました。

Part I: History
Chapter 1: Research methodology  Florian Coulmas
Chapter 2: Japan and the international sociolinguistic community  Yoshiyuki Asahi and J.K. Chambers
Chapter 3: Language life  Takehiro Shioda

Part II: Sociolinguistic patterns
Chapter 4: Style, prestige, and salience in language change in progress  Fumio Inoue
Chapter 5: Group language (shūdango)  Taro Nakanishi
Chapter 6: Male-female differences in Japanese  Yoshimitsu Ozaki

Part III: Language and gender
Chapter 7: Historical overview of language and gender studies: From past to future  Orie Endo and Hideko Abe
Chapter 8: Genderization in Japanese: A typological view  Katsue A. Reynolds
Chapter 9: Feminist approaches to Japanese language, gender, and sexuality  Momoko Nakamura

Part IV: Honorifics and politeness
Chapter 10: Japanese honorifics  Takashi Nagata
Chapter 11: Intersection of traditional Japanese honorific theories and Western politeness theories  Masato Takiura
Chapter 12: Intersection of discourse politeness theory and interpersonal Communication  Mayumi Usami

Part V: Culture and discourse phenomena
Chapter 13: Subjective expression and its roles in Japanese discourse: Its development in Japanese and impact on general linguistics  Yoko Ujiie
Chapter 14: Style, character, and creativity in the discourse of Japanese popular culture: Focusing on light novels and keitai novels  Senko K. Maynard
Chapter 15: Sociopragmatics of political discourse  Shoji Azuma

Part VI: Language contact
Chapter 16: Contact dialects of Japanese  Yoshiyuki Asahi
Chapter 17: Japanese loanwords and lendwords  Frank E. Daulton
Chapter 18: Japanese language varieties outside Japan  Mie Hiramoto
Chapter 19: Language contact and contact languages in Japan  Daniel Long

Part VII: Language policy
Chapter 20: Chinese characters: Variation, policy, and landscape  Hiroyuki Sasahara
Chapter 21: Language, economy, and nation  Katsumi Shibuya

