
Glimpses of a Unique Jewish Culture From a Japanese Perspective

学科・機関 文学部 英語英文学科
教員名 広瀬佳司 教授
著者情報 広瀬佳司 著
出版社 彩流社
発行日 2021年3月23日
サイズ・頁数 A5版 160頁
金額 3,500円+税

Chapter 1
Setsuzo Kotsuji: Japanese Rescuer of Jewish Refugees
Chapter 2
Elie Wiesel: The Sonderberg Case
―Two Silent Heroes in His Last Novel
Chapter 3
The Contrast in the Reception of Isaac Singer
―Between Japanese and Yiddishists
Chapter 4
Two “Jonah-Type Rabbis” in Two Yiddish Writers’ Works
―Isaac Bashevis Singer and Chaim Grade
Chapter 5
The Symbolic Meaning of the Sacred and the Profane
―A Study of the Singer Brothers & Cynthia Ozick
Chapter 6
In Pursuit of the “Moses Complex” in Isaac Singer
―The Author’s Psychological Trauma in Shadows on the Hudson
Chapter 7
Howard Jacobson’s Roots Schmoots
―In Search of his own Jewish Roots
Chapter 8
Howard Jacobson’s “J ”
―A Dystopian, yet Somehow Hopeful, View of the Future
Chapter 9
The Joys of Yiddishkeit in Jewish American and British Writers―Michael Chabon and Howard Jacobson
