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英語英文学科 トピックス


英語英文学科では、国際語としての英語運用力を養成し、その英語を使って国内外に向けて発信することのできる人を育てていきます。 英語は国際社会に不可欠なコミュニケーション・ツールです。けれども、英語が話せるからといって国際人になれるわけではありません。他国の文化や社会に関心を寄せ、異文化の人たちと自ら進んで関わり理解しようとする態度や、広い視野に立って多面的に観察し、論理的に考察できる力がなければ、相互理解につながるような発信はできません。

Foundation SeminarⅠ・Ⅱ

少人数で行われる1年生対象のこの授業では、専門科目において必要となる英語リーディング力を習得し、「英米文学」、「英語学・言語学」、「国際コミュニケーション」の3つの履修コースでの学習に向けて基礎を形作ることを目標としています。 「英米文学」と「英語学・言語学」を専門とする教員がアドバイザーになり、それぞれ1クラスを担当し、各専門に関する英文テキストと国際コミュニケーションに関する英文テキストを用い、演習形式で学んでいきます。 また、1学期に3回受講者共通のスタディ・スキルの授業があり、講義ノートの取り方、図書館の利用の仕方、レポートの書き方などを学習します。さらに自主学習として、Puffin Booksを活用した課題も出されます。

Active English, Communicative English, Independent Study

Active English (meeting twice a week) and Communicative English (meeting once a week) are the heart of English language learning in your first year at Seishin. In these classes, students engage with each other, as well as their teachers, who are all native English speakers from four different continents. You develop all four practical English language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In Active English, students practice and build on the grammar and vocabulary they learned in high school and actually use it in fun and meaningful discussions, projects, and presentations.
Communicative English gives students a chance to develop their reading skills, choose stories that they enjoy reading, and discuss topics they want to learn about. Also, these small classes are where you meet and make some of your best friends over the next four years.

デモクラシー・ナウ! 学生字幕翻訳コンテスト


デモクラシー・ナウ! 学生字幕翻訳コンテスト

EDC= The English Drama Club


This is a picture of the cast, stage crew, and sempais who came to see our Winter Show in 2019. The show was “Alice,” which is based on Alice in Wonderland. The cast members are the ones dressed in white shirts and black pants, plus Alice, front and center. There are three stage crew members right behind me, and all the rest are sempais who came back to see the show (plus three of their kids mixed in there!). Sixteen sempais… some of whom graduated in the past few years, and some from thirty years ago! All of them came back because EDC is like a family to us all; we are EDC “sisters.” This was the last show the English Drama Club did before the Corona virus hit. We weren’t able to have any activities last year, but we have seven members in the club now and we are hoping to put on a short Winter Show in December of 2021. Fingers crossed!
You can also see two other pictures from former shows. Enjoy!



ELAS= The English Language Appreciation Society

The English Language Appreciation Society (or ELAS) is one of the university’s two English clubs. The other is the English Drama Club. In ELAS, students have many chances to practice their English through discussions, games and other activities. ELAS also co-operates with other English clubs and Speech Clubs in universities all over Japan. Together ELAS and the other universities hold the annual English Speech Contest held each year at the school festival. Many of the ELAS members graduate to get excellent jobs so ELAS can really open your world.



模擬国連 (Model United Nations)


